North Texans' Stories
Look Out for Each Other
Look Out Texans – Bike, Walk, Drive Safely. More than 20 North Texans volunteered to be part of the Look Out Texans campaign, and they are seen below and in advertisements and communications around the region. Their photos were taken in Dallas, Plano, Denton and Fort Worth, and they shared what they do to stay safe when bicycling, walking and driving around the region.
They are students, parents, neighbors, co-workers, friends and North Texans just like the other people bicycling, walking and driving on our roadways. It's important we look out for each other and understand the rules of the road for bicycling, walking and driving as well as safety tips that could help us all get to our destinations safely.
Special thanks to all who volunteered to be part of the Look Out Texans campaign aimed at increasing knowledge of and adherance to laws related to how people bicycling, walking and driving interact as well as fostering a greater sense of community and respect on our roads.
Click below to learn more about some of the people bicycling, walking and driving on our roads. If you'd like to share your story or learn more about the campaign, e-mail us at

North Texans Bike, Walk, Drive Safely