Campaign Materials
Beginning in October 2015, North Texans started to see and hear advertising and communications for the Look Out Texans campaign. This includes social media; newsletters; static and digital billboards around the region; radio ads on KLIF, KSCS, KERA/KXT and KZZA; online ads with the Star-Telegram and Dallas Morning News; print ads in Mercado Bilingüe, Al Día and La Estrella; bus benches and bus ads in Fort Worth; and bus ads and posters in Dallas.
Dallas and Fort Worth are two of the 35 Pedestrian-Bicycle Focus Cities designated by the Federal Highway Administration. The U.S. cities are selected based on the high rates of pedestrian and bicycle crash fatalities. Unfortunately, both the number of bicycle and pedestrian crashes with vehicles and resulting fatalities increased between 2010 and 2014, making a regional safety campaign that reaches a broad audience driving, bicycling and walking in North Texas important.

Press Releases
North Texans Must Look Out for Students Heading to School
State Farm videos highlight how to keep area roads safe for bicycling, walking
Aug. 30, 2016 (Arlington, Texas) – With the start of the new school year and the return of cooler weather, North Texans will soon see students bicycling and walking to and from school. Look Out Texans, a regional public education and outreach campaign, is sharing 21 tips to encourage communities to help make the region’s roads safer for everyone, especially students.
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Campaign Encourages North Texans to Bike, Walk and Drive Safely
21 tips can help people look out for one another on region's roads
Nov. 3, 2015 (Arlington, Texas) – Starting this fall, North Texans will see advertising and messaging for Look Out Texans, a regional public education and outreach campaign encouraging people to bike, walk and drive safely together. The campaign highlights 21 tips to keep people safe and features North Texans sharing their stories about the importance of looking out for others on the road.
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Learn about the campaign, 21 safety tips and more
Safety Tip #1: Be safe! Use the crosswalk
Bus Poster | Rail Poster
Safety Tip #3: Look both ways before crossing a street
Corner Poster
Safety Tip #5: Watch out for vehicles, stay out of blind spots around buses
Digital Message | Bus Poster
Safety Tip #6: When walking make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street
Station Poster | Station poster (alternate design)
Safety Tip #7: Be seen while walking in the dark
Corner Poster
Safety Tip #19: Drivers, stop for people crossing the street
Bus Bench | Rail Poster
Safety Tip #20: Drivers, treat bikes like cars on the street. It's the law!
Side of the bus | Back of the bus
Look Out for John – Little brother, North Texan, bikes to school
Back of the bus | Side of the bus
Safety Tip #2: Cross streets and driveways in front of vehicles – never behind them
Safety Tip #3: Look both ways before crossing the street
Safety Tip #4: When walking, cross the street only when the signal indicates it is safe
Safety Tip #6: When walking make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street
Safety Tip #7: Be seen while walking in the dark
Ad | Ad (Spring 2016)
Safety Tip #8: Bicyclists, stop at traffic signals and stop signs
Safety Tips #1, #8 and #20 for walking, bicycling and driving safe
Images (vertical) | Images (horizontal) | May 2016 design
Safety Tip #18: Drivers, crosswalks are for pedestrians, never block or park in a crosswalk
Ad | Ad (Spring 2016)
Safety Tip #19: Drivers, yield to crossing pedestrians
Safety Tip #21: Drivers, look out for children in school zones
John | John (Spring 2016) | Emily (Fall 2016) | Emily (Spring 2016) | Emily and Brock | Emily and Brock (Fall 2016)
Look Out for Carlos – Lives in Dallas, computer analyst, bikes to work
Look Out Texans -- Bike, Walk, Drive Safely
Look Out for a Chance to Win Prizes (Aug. 15 - Oct. 31, 2016)
Ad (Crosswalk)
North Texans Must Look Out for One Another to Bike, Walk and Drive Safely
Look Out When Walking to School, Work, Dallas Destinations
See and Be Seen When Bicycling, Walking and Driving
Look Out When Falling Back Nov. 1
Bike to School Day Reminds Us to Follow the Speed Limit, Be Alert
This Summer, Look Out for People Walking, Children Playing
Take Care to be Seen by Drivers While Walking
When Driving, Look Out for People and Children
Resources for Parents to Help Kids Bike, Walk Safely
Look Out for Kids Bicycling, Walking to School
Look Out When Walking to School, Work
In Spanish (En Español)
Consejo de seguridad n.° 6: Cuando camine, haga contacto visual con los conductores antes de cruzar la calle
Consejo de seguridad n.° 7: Asegúrese que lo vean mientras camina en la noche
Consejo de seguridad n.° 20: Conductores, traten a las bicicletas como autos en la calle. ¡Es la ley!
Consejos de seguridad n.° 1, n.° 8 y n.° 20
Anuncio | Anuncio
Consejos de seguridad n.° 7, n.° 8 y n.° 20
Ten Cuidado con Carlos
Cuidado Tejanos – Ande en bicicleta, camine, conduzca con seguridad
Safety Tip #6: When walking, make eye contact with drivers before crossing a street
8.5" x 11"
Safety Tip #11: When bicycling, ride as far to the right as practicable
8.5" x 11" | 24" x 36"
Safety Tip #21: Drivers, watch out for children
8.5" x 11" | 24" x 36"
Safety Tip #10: When bicycling, be alert and be aware of vehicles
8.5" x 11" | 24" x 36"
Safety Tip #1: Cross in crosswalks at intersections
Safety Tips #7 and #14: Be seen while walking and bicycling in the dark
Safety Tip #20: Treat bicycles as motor vehicles