About Look Out Texans
Look Out Texans – Bike, Walk, Drive Safely
Launched in October 2015, the Look Out Texans campaign encourages North Texans to watch out for one another and offers specific tips to bike, walk and drive safely together. The campaign was developed by the North Central Texas Council of Governments and funded by the Texas Department of Transportation.
Every day, people bike, walk and drive to jobs, schools, grocery stores and other destinations, and it’s important they get there safely.
In North Texas between 2015 and 2019, there were more than 10,500 reported bicycle and pedestrian crashes involving motor vehicles that resulted in more than 800 fatalities, according to the Texas Department of Transportation.
Look Out Texans is an integrated outreach and advertising campaign that includes billboards, transit ads, print and online ads, social media, local government and transportation agency coordination, school outreach and more.
Local, state and federal transportation partners are focused on improving the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians through roadway design solutions as well as increasing awareness of how people can bike, walk and drive safely.
The campaign features North Texans, helping bring a greater sense of community and respect to our roads. Understanding how people bicycling, walking and driving should interact together is important to improving safety on area roads and protecting our friends, families and neighbors.

Safety Facts

Working Group Participants
Special thanks to the organizations that participated in the working group that advised staff on the campaign vision and priorities. These organizations are part of the larger Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee at NCTCOG and participated in the campaign-specific working group in Summer 2015.